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Flies Pest Control

Flies in London are a common sight and pest problem. In fact, flies are a real issue all over the world, especially in urban areas. If you want to get rid of flies properly from your premises then you may want to consider using fly pest control services.

There are many types of fly. Although most do not bite they do spread disease and are unpleasant and irritating. As with a cockroach or rat problem, if you have a food business they will put off your customers, losing you money and damaging your reputation. The fly problem is always worse during the warmer months.

So, how do you know if you have a real problem with flies?

flies flies pest control

Signs of a Flies Infestation

  • Even if you only see one fly it is possible there are more nearby. This should alert you to a possible problem.
  • You may find dead flies on window sills, the tops of fridges and other furniture.
  • You may spot a cluster of flies around bins, near dirty plates, discarded waste or overripe fruit, drains or even animal excrement.
  • Small black fruit flies may be seen in your kitchen area, particularly if you have fruit stored in the open. Drain flies, that look like little moths may be seen in your bathroom too.
  • Their faeces appear as small black dots often seen on windows and window frames, indicating the presence of flies.
  • Discovering maggots in waste bins or near drains is another sign that you either have a problem or are about to have one.

Fly Facts

The flies that are more likely to be part of a pest problem in London are house flies, cluster flies, drain flies and fruit flies. All these flies are attracted by the smell of food.

flies house type
House Flies

The house fly is grey to black with red eyes. The female house fly lays up to 100 eggs at a time for up to 5 cycles, on decaying and moist matter which hatch into maggots.

Adult flies live for 2 – 4 weeks but can hibernate during winter.

They feed on a variety of liquid and semi-liquid substances. They also can eat solid substances softened by their saliva.

As they travel from different surfaces including excrement and waste to food they spread pathogens and disease.

Cluster Flies

These are also known as Bottle Flies, Carrion Flies or Blow Flies.

These flies appear to have blue, green or black shiny metallic colouring.

The female requires a lot of protein to develop her eggs. It is believed she visits carrion to both feed and lay her eggs.

She can lay up around 150-200 eggs at a time and up to 2,000 throughout her life.

The larvae of most species are scavengers of carrion and dung. The larvae will live in a layer of loose, damp soil and litter.

flies cluster type
flies drain type
Drain Flies

– also known as Sewer Gnats or Filter Flies

Drain flies may be mistaken for small moths as they have furry bodies. They are about 1.5 to 5 mm long with a light grey or tan body.

The larvae live in aquatic sludge-based environments including bathroom sinks and stagnant drains and feed on the slime in the drains. Adult drain flies feed on flower nectar and polluted water.

Although they are relatively harmless they can be a nuisance in large numbers in a house. Like all flies, they are capable of spreading infection as they move from place to place.

Fruit Flies

– also known as Bar Flies

Fruit flies are very small black flies that you may see flying around your fruit bowl. They thrive on high fructose foods like overripe fruit, juices and sweet alcohol (think fruity liqueurs). You may also see them in your compost bin if you have fruit waste in there. The female lays her eggs in the fruit and eating contaminated fruit may cause an upset stomach.

flies fruit type

Fly Pest Control

  • Get in touch with us using the form below. We will get back to you within 24 hours to discuss what needs to be done and explain the process to you.
  • Our professionally trained technician will then survey your property to assess the level of the problem. The technician will be looking to see where the flies are getting in, what is attracting them and then consider the appropriate course of action.
  • The next step is to treat the fly pest problem. When there is a fly infestation your pest control service provider will treat your home using environmentally approved and safe products. Depending on the level of infestation this may be a combination of fumigation, installation of an electric fly killer and even dusting powder.
  • If you want us to come out after treatment we also provide a follow-up service to check that the process has been effective.
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Flies Prevention and After Care

To get rid of flies for good our technician will advise you of any potential risks for re-infestation. In general, we advise the following:

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